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Fido’s First Year – Puppy Care Tips

September 1, 2015
Have you recently adopted a little canine? Puppies are, in our opinion, one of life’s treasures. Your little canine pal will grow up into a loyal and devoted companion, who will provide unconditional love, along with plenty of doggy kisses and tail wags. Before that happens, though, you’ve got a lot of adorable puppy moments coming, and a lot of work to do! In order to grow into a friendly and well-behaved adult, your pooch will need to learn proper doggy manners while he’s still young. Baby Fido definitely has lots to learn! In this article, your vet gives some advice on Fido’s first year.

Puppy Proofing

Your new furbaby is going to be full of energy, and will want to explore everything. In order to keep the little one safe, you’ll have to do some puppy proofing. Remove any toxic plants, and keep household chemicals and small items securely out of the reach of little paws and noses.


Socialization is crucial to your canine pal’s mental and emotional development. Dogs that are properly socialized are much less likely to become aggressive, and tend to be both calmer and friendlier. This must be done while Fido is young, as there is a set window of time for puppies to be properly socialized.


In addition to housebreaking, your puppy should master at least the five basic commands, which are Sit, Stay, Heel, Come, and Lay Down. A doggy crate can be a great tool, as long as it’s used correctly, so crate training is also recommended. Your canine pal’s ‘puppyhood’ is also the perfect time for him to learn good doggy manners. Curtail any bad habits, such as begging, by nipping them in the bud! Last but not least, get little Fido used to having his teeth brushed and his toenails clipped, and, of course, being bathed.

Veterinary Care

Baby Fido will need to make quite a few trips to the vet during his first year. He’ll need several vaccinations, as well as thorough examinations. Spay or neuter surgery should also happen before your pup matures. Make sure to follow your vet’s recommended schedule for appointments. Keep a close eye on the little one, and watch carefully for any signs of illness. Puppies can get sick very quickly! Please contact us for all your puppy’s veterinary care needs. We are here to help!

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