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Doggy Dental Care: Brushing Fido’s Teeth

May 15, 2024

Taking care of your furry buddy’s dental hygiene is essential for their overall health and well-being. Regularly brushing your dog’s teeth helps prevent dental issues and keeps their breath fresh. Make it a part of your canine pal care routine to ensure their teeth stay clean and healthy. A large majority of dogs over the age of three suffer from gum disease. Fido may also be experiencing a range of other dental issues. These can encompass misalignments, abscesses, infections, and cracked or broken teeth. Brushing your furry friend’s teeth doesn’t have to be a hassle or take up too much time. Plus, it won’t break the bank. However, it can greatly improve your pup’s dental well-being. Here are some helpful tips from a local Bellevue, WA veterinarian on how to properly brush your pooch’s teeth.

Are You Supposed to Brush Your Dog’s Teeth?

Brushing is equally beneficial for Fido and humans. Regular brushing removes food particles and plaque, preventing tartar formation. That is of utmost significance! Tartar buildup is often associated with gum disease. As tartar builds up, it starts to push beneath the gums. Over time, small pockets start to form, creating ideal conditions for bacteria to thrive and multiply. Over time, the infection can lead to the loss of gum tissue and bone.

This goes beyond mere aesthetics.  Fido is still adorable with a crooked smile! There is a strong correlation between gum disease and various serious medical conditions, such as heart disease. 

What Should I Do If My Dog Doesn’t Tolerate Teeth Brushing?

Even the most well-behaved dog can sometimes feel uneasy when being touched.  It’s best not to force it. If your puppy is resistant, there are alternative methods to ensure proper dental hygiene, such as dental treats and chews.

How Can I Determine If Fido Is Experiencing Any Dental Issues?

Fido has a knack for communicating his desire for a walk or a bite of your sandwich, but unfortunately, he cannot express if he is experiencing any discomfort in his teeth. Be sure to stay vigilant for any indicators of potential issues.

These are some of the more common ones:

Bad Breath: Man’s Best Friend isn’t exactly known for having fresh breath. However, severe bad breath in your four-legged friend could be a sign of dental issues or other underlying health conditions. For additional details, please reach out to your veterinarian.

Swelling: Swelling of the mouth, face, and head can be quite concerning. This typically indicates an infection, which can be extremely risky when it’s in close proximity to the brain.

Reduced Enthusiasm For Play: Fido’s use of his mouth for play naturally leads to dental concerns, which can unfortunately dampen his enthusiasm for his favorite hobbies. If your furry friend’s enthusiasm for playing fetch or tug-of-war suddenly wanes, it could be a sign of dental issues.

Altered Eating Habits: Biting down on a painful tooth is far from pleasant. You might observe that your canine companion is taking more time than usual to finish their meal. Fido might occasionally let some food escape from the corners of his mouth. Dogs experiencing dental issues often display a strong inclination towards softer food and treats. In extreme situations, they may completely abstain from eating. That’s extremely dangerous for them.

Moping: People who have experienced a toothache can confirm that dental issues do not enhance one’s mood. That applies to pets as well! Your pooch might seem a bit down. He may also withdraw and spend more time alone rather than with his humans.

Slobbering: It’s no secret that some dogs are a bit slobbery. If you have a Saint Bernard, you can expect Fido to be a bit messy. If your furry buddy isn’t typically one for drooling but has recently started leaving puddles on the floor, it’s possible that he may be experiencing a dental issue. Another indication to be aware of is the presence of ropy or bloody drool.

Bleeding Gums: Bleeding gums often signal oral issues, like gum disease. It is possible that you won’t observe any blood on your dog’s gums, but you might notice stains around his mouth, especially if he has light-colored fur.  Keep an eye out for red stains on Fido’s toys, plates, and chews.

Buildup of Tartar: Does your pup have any discolored residue on their teeth? If that’s true, he could really use a good cleaning. Gum disease is also associated with this.

Is It Safe To Use Toothpaste Meant For Humans On Fido?

No. In fact, this is dangerous. Some of our toothpastes may not be suitable for Fido due to certain ingredients, like birch sugar (xylitol), which can be harmful. In addition, many dog toothpastes are available in flavors that dogs love, like chicken or beef. Your adorable pet will be much more amenable if his toothpaste tastes like chicken!

Likewise, avoid using a toothbrush meant for humans on your cute pet. Their positioning for his mouth is not ideal. Consider using a dog toothbrush instead. If you’re interested, you have the option to obtain thumb toothbrushes.

I’ve Recently Welcomed An Adult Dog Into My Home. Is It Too Late To Start Brushing His Teeth?

Physically, it is never too late. However, it can pose more challenges as your four-legged pal grows into adulthood. Training, of course, is crucial in this situation, but it’s important to avoid being too pushy. If you’ve taken in an adult dog that is resistant to the idea, you may find it more beneficial to explore the alternative options we previously mentioned, like dental flakes. Seek advice from your veterinarian in Bellevue, WA for specific guidance.

How Often Do Fido’s Teeth Need to Be Cleaned?

Brushing Fido’s teeth twice a day is recommended for optimal oral hygiene. However, a frequency of once or every other day is acceptable. There’s no need to clean your pup’s entire mouth all at once. Simply finish one quadrant and continue rotating. Your furry friend will still reap the rewards. Once you and your pooch have mastered this, it should only take a minute or two.

How Can I Train Fido To Get His Teeth Brushed?

Start by delicately rubbing your canine friend’s teeth and gums, using your finger.  Then, praise your furry companion and give them a tasty treat, so he can connect it with receiving affection.  Continue to practice this consistently.

Next, move on to adding some dog toothpaste. Apply a small amount on your finger or toothbrush. Once more, provide snacks and offer words of encouragement.

Make sure to practice this daily until your cute pet becomes accustomed to it. Now, you have the option to switch to Fido’s toothbrush.

Do Many Dog Owners Regularly Brush Their Pets’ Teeth?

Unfortunately, no. the number falls short of our expectations. According to a survey conducted by Ipsos, a mere 8% of dog owners take the time to clean their pets’ teeth.

Fido outperformed Fluffy in this aspect: a mere 4% of cat owners bother to groom their feline’s claws. (Admittedly, cats don’t always play along with this.)

Book an Appointment at Our Bellevue, WA Pet Hospital

Do you have any inquiries regarding your furry buddy’s well-being or maintenance? Are you aware of any dental issues that your furry friend may be experiencing? Feel free to reach out to us, your nearby hospital in Bellevue, WA, whenever you need assistance!

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