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Celebrating National Dog Day With Fido

August 15, 2023
There’s a pretty pawesome pet holiday on the calendar this month: August 26th is National Dog Day! This occasion started back in 2004 by Colleen Paige, an animal welfare advocate who is also behind several other pet holidays, such as National Puppy Day and National Cat Day. Why the 26th? It’s the anniversary of the date Colleen’s family adopted their first shelter pup! Read on as an Ingersoll, IA vet lists some ways to honor our canine companions.


The gold star standard of celebrating this special day would be to adopt a pooch. Of course, you’ll need to think long and hard before signing those papers. Adopting a pup is a lifelong commitment, and definitely not something to take lightly. However, if the time is right, go for it!


We’ve seen a lot of progress in legislature that enforces good animal welfare and advocacy in recent years. These may range from closing puppy mills to stricter tie-out laws. However, there are still many animals that need help. Consider donating to a favorite charity. Volunteering is another great option! 

New Kicks

Are you looking for a new car? You may want to check out Autotrader’s list of dog-friendly cars. The reviewers look at things like space, comfort, and ease of getting Fido in and out. Tesla of course made the list with its dog mode, which is a great safety feature.


Do you have a fenced yard for your canine buddy? Take a little time to make it even more fun for Fido. Get your pooch a doghouse, a kiddie pool, or a sandbox. You can also get your furry pal an outdoor bed to relax on. You can also do some yard cleanup: pick up any messes your pup left, and make sure there are no sharp or toxic plants in Fido’s play area.


Toys and treats are classic doggy gifts, and are bound to get that cute tail going. However, your four-legged friend may also enjoy a new bed or perhaps a new leash or harness. If you want to keep the good times rolling, sign Fido up for a doggy subscription box. 

Photo Session

You can’t really celebrate a doggy holiday without taking some adorable pictures. Today’s smartphones come equipped with tons of features and modes that can help you get professional-quality shots of your canine pal. Snap away! Please contact us, your Ingersoll, IA animal clinic, for all your pet’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!

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