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Doggy Coat Types

April 1, 2023
Our canine buddies sport a variety of fur styles, lengths, and colors. We think they’re all adorable! Of course, your pet’s grooming needs will depend very much on the type of fur he has. A local Des Moines, IA vet discusses some of the coat types below. Short Coats This is likely the most common type of fur our canine pals have. The good news? Though your pup will need regular brushing, you won’t have to clip him. The bad news? Your furry pal is probably a heavy shedder. It’s also worth noting that this kind of fur doesn’t really protect Man’s Best Friend from insect bites. Double Coats This type of coat is suited to pups that originated in colder climates, as it helps keep them warm in those frigid temperatures. As the name suggests, Fido has two coats: an outer one, and a softer, thicker undercoat. These guys can be heavy shedders, to put it mildly. They should never be clipped, as this can cause permanent damage. Long Coat Fido looks super cute when he is sporting long fur. However, those silky locks do need lots of care, as otherwise they can be tangled. Your canine pal will probably need to be brushed several times a week, and may benefit from occasional trims. Curls The most famous curly pup is likely the Poodle, but several other breeds also have this type of fur. These guys usually need to be brushed frequently, likely at least three times a week. They often look pretty cute sporting fun hairstyles, such as the Lion cut. Wire Coats Wire Coated dogs have thick, coarse fur that needs some special care. That tough fur was very helpful to Fido when he was working outdoors in harsh conditions. However, it is prone to forming mats. You can brush it, but you’ll need to be careful to brush properly. Stripping is another option. This is a process where the dead fur is removed by hand. Many terriers have this type of fur. Tips No matter what type of coat your dog has, never clip his fur without checking with your vet. This can actually damage some pups’ coats! It’s also important to use the right products. Ask your vet or groomer for more information. Do you have questions about your canine pal’s grooming needs? Contact us, your Des Moines, IA pet clinic, today!  

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