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5 Foods You Should Never Feed Your Dog

March 15, 2022
As dog-lovers, who among us hasn’t given in to throwing Fido a scrap or two when we’re eating? Those big watery eyes are hard to say no to, but sometimes it’s necessary. Some foods just aren’t good for dogs and can even harm them. Knowing which morsels and treats to keep away from your canine buddy can help ensure he stays healthy. Here, a veterinarian lists 6 types of foods you should never feed your dog.

1. Sugary, Fatty, Salty, and High-Protein Foods

As much as Fido may want a few french fries, a piece of steak, or some of your dessert, these foods can cause him real problems.
  • Salty treats throw off your dog’s electrolytes, which regulate his muscle function and help keep him hydrated.
  • Your dog’s digestive system doesn’t process fatty and high-protein foods that well, which can cause digestive problems and even lead to pancreatitis and liver dysfunction.
  • Sweets are just as bad for your canine companion as they are for you and feeding him chocolate can actually kill him.

2. Nuts

Nuts may seem like they’d be healthy for your dog but they actually have a high-fat content. Besides that, the compact size of nuts makes them a choking hazard for your dog. Macadamia nuts, in particular, are highly poisonous to dogs so never, ever feed them to Fido.

3. Dairy Products

Dairy products may have an abundance of calcium-boosting properties, but your dog’s digestive system isn’t equipped to digest dairy. Eating dairy may place him at risk of developing lactose intolerance, not to mention the bouts of abdominal pain, gas, and diarrhea.

4. Alcohol

Alcohol has the same harmful effects on dogs as on humans. One big difference to keep in mind is, even in small quantities, alcohol can cause serious health problems since a dog’s body is so much smaller than a human’s. This is especially true for smaller dogs. Breathing problems, diarrhea, vomiting, coma, and even death can result if your dog has just a single swallow of alcohol.

5. Raw Eggs

Cooked eggs go down well for Fido. Raw eggs don’t. This is because raw eggs contain an enzyme that can interfere with your dog’s ability to digest biotin, a B vitamin. This can lead to digestive problems, skin problems, and an unhealthy coat. If you have more questions about foods you shouldn’t feed to your dog or suspect he’s eaten something harmful, please don’t hesitate to call us today.

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