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Cute Cat Breeds You Probably Never Heard Of

February 15, 2022
Did you know that there are a few organizations dedicated to cat breeds? Interestingly, they differ on how many breeds they recognize.The Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) allows 44, while The International Cat Association recognizes 71. They’re all pretty adorable! In this article, a local vet introduces a few you may not be familiar with.


A cross between the Desert Lynx and the Jungle Curl, the Highlander first clawed her way into our hearts back in 2004. These cute kitties are lovable, cuddly, smart, and frisky. Unlike most of our feline pals, they love water. They’re also talented little gymnasts!


The Lykoi is a small cat that is making big waves. These sweet kitties are known as the werewolf cat, because of their appearance. Don’t worry, though: you won’t turn into a werewolf if Fluffy bites you!


Named after the goddess of love, the Aphrodite is a fairly large kitty that also has a very big heart! These sweet cats have very long back legs, and thick, soft coats. They grow more slowly than most of our feline pals, taking about 3 years to reach their adult size.

Cheetoh Cat

The Cheetoh cat is a mix between the Bengal and the Ocicat, two exotic breeds. Like many exotic cats, they have very pretty patterned coats, and are quite the little chatterboxes!

Tennessee Rex

The Tennessee Rex is the only kitty on our list that is always a ginger. These fluffy redheads are fairly large. They’re also curly! Their exact lineage is unknown, as the breed traces back to a Tennessee stray that gave birth to some unique looking kittens.

Ojos Azules

The Ojos Azules has been around since 1984, but they are still quite rare. These cats can sport a variety of colors, but they always have striking, deep blue eyes. In fact, the name Ojos Azules means ‘blue eyes’ in Spanish!


As the name suggests, the Toybob is an itty bitty kitty. They usually don’t get any larger than a 3 to 6 month old kitten. Unlike most toy breeds, they aren’t a downsized version of a larger breed, but are a unique breed of their own. These cute felines are very lovable, and tend to be great climbers and lapcats. Do you have questions about your cat’s health or care? Contact us, your local animal clinic!

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