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Let’s Talk! 515-274-3555

Covid-19 Update: Changes effective March 23rd

March 20, 2020
An UPDATE for our valued clients, As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve we are watching closely and remain committed to providing exemplary service and veterinary care for the people and pets of Des Moines. With this in mind, beginning Monday, March 23rd, we will be taking the following additional steps to protect our team, veterinarians, clients, and their pets:
  • We are reducing the physical traffic within the clinic by offering curbside-care. For this process, please contact us by phone or text upon your arrival to the clinic and further instruction will be provided. You may either:
    1. Wait in your car or remain outside the building for the duration of your appointment, or
    2. Wait in your car until an exam room is available and be escorted directly to the room by our staff.
  • For food and medication refills:
    • Please call ahead to order; payment will be taken over the phone
    • Call to inform us of your arrival to the clinic and the items will be brought out to your vehicle
    • Consider using our online store (available on our website: ingersollanimal.com) for food and medication refills during this time
  • All parts of the check-in/check-out process may be completed over the phone or electronically including:
    • Check-in – reviewing your pet’s medical history, concerns, symptoms or questions you have regarding your pet
    • Authorization forms and treatment plans – sent electronically to be filled out prior to your visit whenever possible
    • Payments – to be completed over the phone
    • Review of findings, treatment, and care – a medical overview will be provided to you regarding the services we provided to your pet
For text and phone communications please use the main hospital phone numbers and include your name and your pet’s name in the text
  • Ingersoll Animal Hospital: 515-274-3555
  • Pawsitive Strides: 515-575-9655
We are committed to the safety and wellbeing of the community, including you – our pet-parents.

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