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Great Gifts for Dogs

December 15, 2019
Have you finished your holiday shopping yet? We may not be much help in suggesting gifts for your friends and family, but we do have some ideas about what your canine companion would like. Read on as a Des Moines, IA vet lists some great gifts for Fido.


If your canine pal could write a wish list for Santa Claws, we suspect toys would be at or near the top. You can go with classic dog toys, like plush toys or tennis balls. Or, opt for something more modern, like a mechanical ball launcher. Don’t forget to snap some cute pics of Fido playing with his new things!


If there’s one thing that will always get that cute tail going, it’s the promise of a yummy treat. Store-bought products are fine, but you can also make homemade doggy snacks. Look online for recipe ideas, or create your own. Just be sure to only use ingredients that are safe for Fido.


One of the best things you can do for Fido is make sure he has a good bed. Orthopedic beds are great for large breeds and older dogs. Smaller pups may like beds with raised sides.


Does your pet have thin fur? Get Fido a comfy jacket to wear on cold days. Make sure your canine buddy’s things fit well, and are not tight, hot, or restricting.

Pupscription Box

Want to give the gift that keeps on giving? Sign your pooch up for his own doggy subscription box. Fido will regularly get boxes of goodies in the mail.

Stocking Stuffers

Don’t forget to put some things in Fido’s stocking! Grooming supplies, such as paw balm, doggy dental care products, and wipes are always good options. You could also get your furry friend some shampoo, or perhaps a new brush.


Do you have a small pooch or a senior dog? Consider getting Fido some pet ramps or stairs. Your four-legged pal may also appreciate raised dishes, which are more comfortable to eat from than bowls on the floor.

Doggy On The Go

Do you like to get out and about with your furry BFF? Get Fido a doggy travel bag or a water bottle with an attached dispenser. Please reach out to us, your local Des Moines, IA vet clinic, for all of your pup’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!

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