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Keeping Your Cat Entertained

September 15, 2019
Cats are definitely fun pets. Fluffy will keep you smiling with her comical mannerisms, and can be absolutely hilarious when she’s feeling playful. One thing that is very important to your furball’s health and well-being is making sure she has plenty of ways to amuse herself. A Des Moines, IA vet offers some tips on keeping your kitty entertained below.

Live Entertainment

Your furry little friend is actually a fierce predator by nature. Fluffy often enjoys watching birds and squirrels, and daydreaming about hunting. Offer her a comfy bed before a window with a good view.


Playing is very important for cats, both mentally and physically. Provide Fluffy with plenty of toys to smack around. Kitties all have their own purrsonal tastes when it comes to toys. Some love wand toys, while others prefer playthings that make noise. Pay attention to what your feline buddy likes best.


Toys are great, but nothing beats interactive play. Take a few minutes a day to hold a laser pointer for your kitty to chase, or a dangle a feather toy for her to bat at. This will make playtime both more fun and more challenging for Fluffy.

Background Noise

As the saying says, music soothes the savage beast. It can also soothe the not-so-savage kitty cat. When you leave Fluffy home alone, turn a TV or radio on for her. The background noise will provide mental stimulation, and keep her from feeling lonely.

Nooks And Crannies

Cats are very curious by nature. Make your home fun and exciting for Fluffy by setting out things like boxes and paper bags for her to explore. Newspaper tunnels and pet tents are also very popular with our feline overlords. Move things around regularly to keep things fun and fresh for your pet.


Boredom and loneliness go hand-in-paw with kitties. If Fluffy spends a lot of time alone, consider adopting a second cat. Of course, this isn’t a universal recommendation: you’ll need to consider your household and budget, as well as the ages and temperaments of both felines. A senior cat that has always been an only pet may not be happy about finding another furball in her domain. A kitten, however, may be purrfectly thrilled to get a playmate. Please contact us, your Des Moines, IA vet clinic, for all your cat’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!

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