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Dog Bathing Mistakes

August 1, 2019
Baths probably isn’t one of your dog’s favorite things. Actually, that’s a bit of an understatement. Many of our canine pals bolt for cover when they hear the word Bath. While many pups clearly like feeling fresh and clean, they’re not quite as enamored with the process that gets them there. There are some things to keep in mind when bathing your pet, however. Here, a Des Moines, IA vet lists some common doggy bathing mistakes.

Water Temperature

Don’t expect your pooch to enjoy a scalding-hot shower! Dogs’ skin is much more sensitive than ours is, and will burn at lower temperatures than ours will. Of course, Fido probably won’t enjoy an ice-cold bath, either. Test the temperature on your forearm to make sure it’s not too hot or too cold.


We know, bathing Fido can be a hassle. But you should never yell at or punish your furry friend if he tries to bolt before you’re done, even if he does get water all over your floor. This will only make him even more nervous about getting bathed!

Lack Of Prep

We recommend trimming Fido’s nails and brushing him thoroughly before bathing him. You’ll also want to put a mat down in the tub, so your canine buddy doesn’t scratch it. Another time-saving hack is to keep your dog’s grooming supplies in a dedicated caddy, so they’re all in one spot. Last but not least, put some old towels down on the floor, to soak up spilled water.

Wrong Products

Another common mistake is using the wrong products. Dogs’ skin has a different PH balance than ours, so products made for us are too strong for them. It’s also best to avoid shampoos that are heavily perfumed. Scents that smell nice to us may be overpowering to Fido’s sensitive nose!

Poor Bathing Schedule

How often Fido needs to be bathed will depend on what type of fur he has. Some pups only need baths every few months, while others need them every month. Ask your vet for specific advice.


Want to ensure that your dog is groomed properly? Consider taking him to the pet salon. You’ll be able to drop Fido off, and then pick up a clean, soft pooch! Please reach out to us, your Des Moines, IA vet clinic, for all your pet’s veterinary and grooming care needs. We’re here to help!

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