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Respect Your Cat Day

March 15, 2019
March 28th is Respect Your Cat Day! Of course, our feline buddies deserve respect every day. But how do you go about showing a cat respect? Given the choice, Fluffy may demand endless supply of tuna, or perhaps a shrine or even a temple. However, those things are probably a bit far-fetched for most of our clients. A Des Moines, IA vet offers some more doable options below.

Box Castle

It’s no secret that our furry friends are a bit obsessed with boxes. The official theory behind your kitty’s penchant for hopping into empty boxes is that cats feel safe and secure in small spaces. However, this doesn’t explain why Fluffy also loves boxes that are clearly too small or too big. Regardless, a box castle is a great way to show your feline overlord proper respect. You can keep it simple, by just attaching a few boxes together. Or, go all out and make your kitty a palace, complete with turrets and balconies.

Gourmet Treats

Why not offer your furry buddy something special? You can pick up some store-bought treats, or offer Fluffy some canned tuna, chicken, or salmon in water; shredded deli meat; or cooked, plain meat, fish, or poultry.

Vertical Space

Cats don’t really have much of a view from ground level. Give your furball some vertical space, so she can monitor her servants (that would be you) and kingdom. For extra purrs, put a cat tower near a window, and then put a bird feeder outside.

Clean Facilities

Cleaning the litterbox isn’t the cutest part of having a kitty, but it is necessary. Don’t make your pet use a dirty bathroom!

Kitty Comforts

Keep your pet’s comfort in mind. For example, if you’re leaving Fluffy home alone and won’t be home before dark, turn a light on for her. You may also want to leave a TV or radio on for soothing background noise. Soft beds, fun toys, and a scratching post will also help fulfill your cat’s needs, and keep her looking adorably smug and happy.

Veterinary Care

We know, most of our feline patients would rather be napping than come visit us. However, proper veterinary care is crucial to Fluffy’s health and well-being. Let this serve as a reminder to make an appointment for your kitty. Please contact us, your Des Moines, IA vet clinic, anytime. We’re here to help!

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