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Great Resolutions for Dog Owners

January 1, 2019
Happy New Year! Are you are making resolutions for 2019? Why not include your dog in your new goals? After all, Fido will be right there with you through the next year. In this article, a Des Moines, IA vet lists some great resolutions for pet parents.

Keep Fido’s Toy Box Full

Boredom is often a culprit in many bad doggy behaviors, such as digging and chewing. Dogs are very playful and curious, and need entertainment and stimulation! Offer Fido lots of fun toys to play with. A good window view and regular walks will also provide mental stimulation, and help keep that cute tail wagging.

Take Fido To The Salon

Just like people, dogs enjoy feeling fresh and clean. They aren’t very enthusiastic about the process of getting there, however. Doggy bathtime probably isn’t much fun for you, either. You may find that taking Fido to the groomer is easier for both of you!

Make Time To Play

Playing is a great way to keep Fido active, happy, and in shape. It will also burn off your canine pal’s excess energy, so he’ll be calmer after. Play with your furry friend regularly.

Choose Quality Dog Food

Proper nutrition is a key part of any good pet care regimen. Offer Fido the best pet food you can afford. Treats are fine, but don’t let your cute pet cajole you into overfeeding him.

Visit The Vet

Making sure that Fido sees the vet regularly is very important! Most pups should come in at least once a year, though some will need more frequent appointments. Ask your vet for specific advice.

Spend Quality Time

Dogs really are special gifts. They truly brighten our lives with their adorable faces, silly antics, and lovable quirks. Carve out lots of quality time with your furry best friend this year!

Give Your Pet A Getaway

Most people only board their dogs when they go on vacation. However, you may also want to board Fido for weddings, funerals, births, graduations, and other life events, as well as during renovations. Take Fido to his doggy hotel for an overnight stay, to help him get accustomed to his home away from home. This will make it easier for him when he comes to stay for a longer period. Happy New Year! Please feel free to contact us, your Des Moines, IA vet clinic, anytime!

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