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Holiday Hazards for Pets

December 15, 2018
The holiday season is officially here! Food, fun, family, friends, and festivities are all on the agenda for the coming weeks. Your furry buddy may also enjoy some seasonal treats, and perhaps a few gifts of his own. Just be sure to put your pet’s safety first. The holidays can be dangerous for pets! A Des Moines, IA vet lists some seasonal dangers for pets below.


Food is one of the biggest dangers for pet parents to be aware of. Garlic, onions, scallions, and chives are all unsafe. They are toxic to pets, and are often used as seasonings. Grapes, currants, and raisins are also dangerous, as are nuts; alcohol; chocolate; meat on the bone; raw dough or yeast; mushrooms; dairy products; caffeine; and anything containing xylitol. (Tip: plain, cooked meat, fish, or poultry, without the skin, bones, or fat is fine.)


Our furry pals have been known to go through the trash in the hopes of scoring himself some leftovers! This can be a hazardous habit, so use a secure trashcan after those big holiday feasts.


Guests make the list of potential, mostly due to the possibility of accidents. For instance, a young child may inadvertently feed your dog something that isn’t safe for him. Or, someone may accidentally step on your cat, or let her slip out the door. Keep a close eye on pets when you have visitors!


Pets are very playful and curious, but they don’t always know what is and isn’t safe for them. Ribbons, tinsel, ornament hooks, electric lights, and anything small or sharp is a definite hazard to your four-legged pal. Keep these things out of paws’ reach! Many popular seasonal plants, like mistletoe, holly, and ivy, are also toxic to pets.


Pets thrive on routine, and the holidays can definitely throw schedules out of whack. Fido and Fluffy may also be frightened of decorations, such as that huge plastic snowman in the neighbor’s yard. Loud noises, such as New Year’s fireworks, are also unsettling. If your furry friend is antsy or uneasy at times, consider putting him in a comfy back room with food, toys, treats, and a comfy bed, so he can just relax. Also, make sure your four-legged buddy is getting lots of playtime and activity. Please contact us, your Des Moines, IA vet clinic, anytime. We’re here to help!

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