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Adopting a Senior Dog

November 1, 2018
November is Adopt A Senior Pet Month! There are far too many sweet, adorable dogs in shelters, hoping that someone will love them enough to give them a good forever home. However, senior dogs often have a really hard time getting adopted. If you’re planning to give one of these lovable pooches a great retirement, you have our support! Here, a Des Moines, IA vet offers discusses adopting a senior dog.

Shopping For Fido

Older dogs have slightly different needs than younger pooches. While puppies need lots of toys and chew sticks, dogs in their golden years are usually more interested in comfy beds. We recommend orthopedic beds for senior dogs, because of the extra support they offer. Pet ramps or stairs will help your furry friend get in and out of the car, and/or on and off beds and couches. Your canine buddy may also appreciate raised doggy dishes. These are much easier on his neck and back than bowls on the floor. If Fido has thin fur, get him a sweater to wear on cold days. You’ll also want to get some senior-formula dog food.

Veterinary Care

One of the first things you’ll want to do is take your furry buddy to the vet. A thorough exam is definitely in order. Your pooch will most likely already be spayed or neutered, but he may need a microchip. You’ll also want to make sure that Fido is up to date on his recommended vaccinations and parasite control. While you’re there, ask for specific tips on your new pet’s diet, grooming, and activity needs.


Senior dogs are much less active than puppies. This can be a great benefit, especially for those who don’t have the time or ability to keep up with an active, playful pet. Fido will still need some exercise, though, even if it’s just a walk around the block. This will help keep him in good shape physically. Ask your vet for specific advice.

Tail Wags

One of the best things about senior dogs is the fact that they are so sweet and lovable. Fido may want nothing more than to doze off at your feet. Pay lots of attention to him, and don’t skimp on those belly rubs, either. Please contact us, your Des Moines, IA vet clinic, with any questions about senior dog care. We are here to help!

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