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Caring for Fido’s Ears

October 1, 2018
Did you know that dogs can hear sounds that are 4 times further away than what we can pick up? Fido’s ears are pretty amazing. They also play a huge role in his daily life, so taking care of them is very important! In this article, a Des Moines, IA vet discusses caring for your dog’s ears.

Ear Hair

Have you ever wondered if you should trim your dog’s ears? The answer to that will vary from pooch to pooch. Some pooches need that ear hair to keep dust out of their ears. For others, it can be problematic. Ask your vet for specific advice. If your vet does advise clipping Fido’s ear hair, have a professional medical groomer do it.


Clean ears are important for all dogs, but they are especially crucial for pooches with floppy ears. Most pups should have their ears cleaned about every month or so, but some need more frequent cleanings. Ask your vet for specific recommendations. To clean your canine companion’s ears, you’ll need some mineral oil or a product specifically made for pet ear cleaning. Pour some on a soft cloth or cotton ball, and then gently wipe your pup’s ears. Never push anything into your dog’s ear canals. This can be very dangerous!

Causes of Ear Problems

Just like people, dogs can develop hearing issues or ear infections due to a number of causes. Fido’s ears are naturally warm and damp. They also have lots of ridges and crevasses. These things, combined, create an ideal breeding ground for yeast and bacteria. Genetics can also play a role, as can injuries. Allergies can also cause ear infections. They are often the culprit with infections that go away during treatment, but recur as soon as treatment stops. Ask your vet for more information.

Signs of Trouble

Watch for warning signs that could indicate ear infections. One of the things to look for is discolored wax, which may appear green, red, or brown. You may also notice foul odors coming from your dog’s ears. Your furry pal may also shake his head, or paw at his ears or head. Other symptoms include swelling, redness, crusts, dizziness, and hearing loss. Call your vet immediately if you notice any of these red flags. Please feel free to call us, your Des Moines, IA vet clinic, anytime. We are always here to help!

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