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Boarding Your Cat

August 1, 2018
Are you going to be going out of town soon? If you’ll be gone for more than a day or so, you may want to consider boarding your cat. Here, a Des Moines, IA vet discusses taking Fluffy to a pet hotel.

When To Board

There are a few things to consider when deciding whether or not to board your cat. Kitties are quite independent, and usually do fine left by themselves for short periods of time, as long as they have food, water, and fresh litter. However, they can get bored and lonely if left alone for too long. Stress and anxiety can definitely affect your feline friend’s health! Also, never underestimate Fluffy’s ability to get into mischief. You don’t want her to get stuck or entangled in something when there’s no one around to rescue her. Your pet’s age and health are also important factors: young kittens, senior cats, and pets with health issues should not be left alone for very long.

Packing For Fluffy

Before packing for Fluffy, check with the kennel and ask a few questions. Some places don’t mind if you bring your pet’s bedding or toys, but others prefer to use their own things. This is in part so they can ensure that everything has been washed and disinfected. When packing food for the furball, include a few extra days’ worth, just in case. If your kitty is on medication, be sure to bring that as well. Some of our feline pals are quite picky about litter, so you may want to ask if you can bring your cat’s preferred brand.


Fluffy is an important part of the family! Do some research, and choose a kennel that you are comfortable with. Don’t be afraid to ask for reviews or recommendations. You may also want to look into certain perks. For instance, you may be able to have your furball groomed while you’re away. We also recommend asking lots of questions. Will you be contacted if your cat doesn’t eat? Will Fluffy have access to a play area? Last but not least, it’s a good idea to visit and book kennels far in advance. This is one thing you definitely don’t want to do at the last minute! Do you need to board your cat? For more information on our boarding services, contact us, your Des Moines, IA pet clinic, today!

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