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Doggy Haircuts

June 15, 2018
Have you considered getting your dog a haircut? While not every pup should get a cute summer ‘do, some of our canine buddies do look and feel better with a professional trim. A Des Moines, IA vet discusses some basics of doggy haircuts in this article.

Hair Length

One thing to keep in mind is the length of Fido’s coat. It may seem like dogs with thick, heavy fur will be cooler shaved down, but this actually isn’t the case. The fur of many ‘floofy’ breeds, such as huskies and Akitas, has qualities that insulate dogs from both heat and cold. Trimming these types of coats may actually make your furry friend more uncomfortable. Also, this kind of fur doesn’t always regrow correctly once cut. This can lead to skin or fur problems down the road. Ask your vet for specific advice.

Haircut Timing

How often should you bring Fido to the salon? That depends on a few things. Show dogs, as one may imagine, require more beauty sessions than casual pooches, and may need to come in every month. Some of our four-legged friends, however, may only need to visit the groomer once a season. Weather is another thing to consider. You may also want to let your canine pal’s coat grow out during winter, as it will help keep him warm. Then, in summer, give your furry buddy a cute shorter cut that will be more comfortable in hot weather.

Medical Grooming

While some pooches may only need brushing and the occasional bath, others need medical grooming. Medical grooming incorporates certain health-related procedures into your canine friend’s grooming routine. Anal gland expression would fall under this category, as would ear hair trims. Ask your vet for specific advice on your pup’s individual grooming needs.

Types Of Cut

Fido can wear a variety of cute cuts. Some, such as the ‘Lion’ cut, are pretty well known. The ‘Schnauzer’ is also a classic. Of course, if you are feeling playful, you may be able to have your canine companion’s fur trimmed to resemble a camel, giraffe, or even a dinosaur. However, you don’t want to go overboard. Dyeing, for example, can be very dangerous if toxic products are used. Ask your vet for more information. Do you need to schedule a grooming session for your dog? We can help! Call us, your Des Moines, IA pet hospital, today!

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