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Pet Food Safety Tips

August 1, 2017
Does your furry friend come running when it’s time for dinner? If there’s one thing our four-legged buddies have in common, it’s an appreciation for good food. Making sure that your beloved pet is eating a nourishing, nutritious diet is very important. Read on as a local vet offers some great pet food safety tips.

Choosing The Right Brand

Reading pet food labels can be both tricky and frustrating. With so many different brands to choose from, how do you choose the one that’s best for your furry pal? Reading the ingredients label is key. There are a few things that can help make this a bit easier. Since pet food labels list ingredients according to proportion, the first ingredient listed is the one that the food contains the most of. Look for brands that list meat as the first and most numerous ingredient. You’ll also want to look for ingredients you can actually identify.


Just like human food, pet food can spoil quickly if it isn’t kept properly. Dry food lasts longer than kibble, but even dry foods can grow dangerous mold and bacteria if they are damp or stored incorrectly. Keep your furry buddy’s food in a clean, dry area. While you can refrigerate leftover wet food, if you leave it in the can, it may not taste very good. Storing your four-legged friend’s food in glass or Tupperware containers can help keep it fresh. If you buy Fido’s kibble in bulk, you can use a storage tote, but be sure to choose one that closes securely, and replace it when it starts to look worn. Plastic cracks as it ages, and those tiny crevices can make very inviting homes for harmful bacteria.

Pet Food Recalls

Recalls are, unfortunately, not uncommon with either pet food or people food these days. While there is no way to completely protect against the chances of picking up a bad product, you can stay on top of things by monitoring pet food recalls.

General Tips

Always pay attention to your pet’s food. If it smells or looks off, don’t take chances: discard it, and give Fido or Fluffy something else. Do you have questions about your pet’s health, care, or diet? Call us! As your local animal clinic, we are here to serve all of your pet’s veterinary care needs.

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