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Considering Pet Insurance

April 15, 2017
You have insurance for your home, your car, your health… did you know that there is also insurance available for your pet? In this article, you’ll learn about some of the basics of pet insurance, helping you to decide if purchasing a plan is a good idea for you and your beloved companion.

Why Get Pet Insurance?

The benefit of pet insurance is the same as any other type of insurance: if something happens that you weren’t planning on, you’ll have help paying for unexpected costs required to fix the problem. If your pet has an accident or comes down with a sudden illness, your insurance plan will help to cover the resulting veterinary bills. Since veterinary medicine is more advanced than ever—raising veterinary costs as a result—pet insurance may be a good idea for your family.

How Does Pet Insurance Work?

Pet insurance works like the other types of insurance that you’re used to. You’ll pay a premium—most likely on a monthly basis—and have a set annual deductible and co-pay structure. If an accident or unexpected scenario occurs, you’ll have a set amount of time to file a claim for reimbursement with the insurance provider.

Are There Different Types of Plans?

Yes, there are multiple types of pet insurance plans available, providing the consumer with a range of options. There are plans that cover accidents and illnesses, as well as accident-only plans; as the name suggests, this type of plan only covers medical issues that result from accidents. Still other plans may cover alternative therapies like acupuncture and herbal medicine, or behavior correction and prescription drug costs. Shop around to find out what plan will best suit your needs.

Am I Able to Keep Using My Current Veterinarian?

Yes, most plans will allow you to keep your current veterinarian rather than specifying a particular practice in your area that you must use. If a plan’s policy doesn’t allow you to choose your own veterinarian, consider it a red flag; it may be worth choosing another provider.

What If I Have Multiple Pets?

If you own multiple pets and are considering purchasing insurance to cover them, you’re in luck: many pet insurance providers offer multi-pet plans or discounts when you enroll two or more animals. Have a conversation with your veterinarian to make the most informed decision on insurance for your pet. We’re here to help!

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