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Let’s Talk! 515-274-3555

Underwater Treadmill Exercise & Conditioning

February 1, 2017
• Is it too cold or muddy outside for safe, effective exercise? • Are you met at the door after a long day of work by a bouncy, energetic dog that has been waiting all day to play with you? • Looking for some cross training or general wellness activities for your dog? • Does your dog need to trim down or build endurance? • Want to get an edge over the competition for show season? • Interested in keep your sporting dog super fit and strong in the off-season? Simply put, dogs need quality exercise, and lots of it. Sometimes it can be difficult to provide enough for them. We’ve got the solution. At Pawsitive Strides Veterinary Rehabilitation & Therapy in Des Moines, our Canine Underwater Treadmill Exercise & Conditioning Program is designed for uninjured, active dogs, sporting and competition dogs, or dogs who are simply not receiving enough walks or quality exercise at home. The underwater treadmill allows your dog to exercise at a level that is appropriate and safe for their fitness level. Studies show exercise in an underwater treadmill (UWTM) is approximately three to four times the intensity of the same performance on land, so they can get quite a workout! How do you get started? Schedule an appointment with our veterinarians for a Pre-UWTM exam; this exam can be combined with the 1st UWTM session. During this visit we perform a brief physical exam of your dog to determine their current health and to make sure there are no contraindications to a work out in the UWTM such as heart conditions, asthma, incontinence, or skin issues. Want to learn more? Receive your pre-UWTM exam for only $30! ($50 value) Call us today at 515-274-3555 to schedule your pet’s exam. Then it’s time to get in the treadmill! Remember this is approximately 3-4 times the intensity of a similar land work out so sessions will start shorter and build with time as your dog’s conditioning improves. Our UWTM sessions will include some brief stretching exercises after the treadmill. We typically recommend coming in once or twice a week, just like when we go to the gym more frequent exercise gets faster and better results. You may pay for sessions as you go or buy our discounted program package. For a more complete cross training schedule, a Fitness Exam and Evaluation with our Rehabilitation Veterinarian to identify specific conditioning needs for your dog. We will develop an individual fitness and exercise program for your dog. This can be combined with the UWTM conditioning. We also have Rehabilitation Therapy Consultations and Examinations to develop individualized treatment plans for each pet’s specific needs. Our rehabilitation patients range from pets that have had orthopedic or neurological surgeries, hip and elbow dysplasia, muscular injuries, athletic or sporting injuries, Degenerative Myelopathy, spinal or disc injuries, aging changes and osteoarthritis. Call our office TODAY at 515-274-3555 to get learn more and schedule your pet’s 1st visit!

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