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Scaredy Cats

December 1, 2014
Is your kitty timid? Just like people, cats have their own personalities, and some are simply more nervous than others are. Sometimes kitties don’t have the greatest start, or sometimes they may go through a scary experience which leaves them anxious and easily spooked. Cats that are scared will often run and hide, though in some cases, cats may become aggressive when they’re frightened. In this article, your local veterinarian Des Moines goes over some tips for helping a fearful cat relax.

What Scares Cats?

There are certain situations in which it’s normal for a cat to get nervous. A change in environment; a rambunctious child; the addition of a new roommate, whether human or animal; and loud noises, such as may be caused by a remodeling project, are all fairly likely to send Kitty running for shelter in a closet or under a bed. If your cat bolts at the slightest hint of a noise or disruption, however, your kitty may have anxiety.

Helping Kitty Cope

There are some do’s and don’ts to helping a frightened feline gain self-assurance. If she wants to hide, don’t pull her out of her hiding spot. Letting her emerge on her own will boost her confidence, while pulling her out of her safety zone may only frighten her more. Offer treats whenever your furball emerges, talk to her softly, and, if she allows it, pet her gently. Playing with your cat for 10-15 minutes daily will burn off some of her excess energy, which may also help calm her down.

Creating A Safe Environment

Make your home as inviting to a cat as possible. This means providing lots of soft, comfy places to sleep, plenty of kitty toys, and as little clutter as possible. Cats often feel safe in high places, because they can observe everything that is going on around them, so if you can, invest in a cat tower. A scared kitty will appreciate it if her tower has at least one enclosed level, as she may feel too exposed on an open perch. Rather than work against your kitty’s inclination to hide, work with her by providing lots of hidey-holes. You may find that what a scared cat needs most is time, patience, and love. Give your furball the space to realize that she is in a safe and loving environment. It may take a little while, but many timid kitties are able to move past their fears and truly blossom. Please click here for more articles from your local vet Des Moines.

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