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Digital X-ray Has Arrived!

June 3, 2014

Des Moines Vet Prepares for Great Technological Advancement!

by Dr. Nancy Peterson Ingersoll Animal Hospital is excited to announce that we have upgraded our radiology service with a state-of-the-art digital radiography (DR) system to complement our digital DR dental x-ray system. Digital cameras changed the world of photography, making photography easier and more efficient by eliminating film. Like digital cameras, DR systems have also revolutionized and improved the process of taking x-rays. Digital DR x-rays provide the veterinarian with a radiographic image that can be viewed immediately on a high-resolution monitor without the need for film development. The process of taking radiographs will become more efficient and, therefore, less stressful to our patients. Digital x-ray systems also offer sophisticated image processing tools, giving the veterinarian much greater depth of information that can be enlarged or manipulated for better detail, resulting in closer scrutiny of potential areas of concern. Digital x-rays will better help us, help you. We will now be able to visualize the mouth and full body with higher quality, helping to further enhance our diagnosis and treatment of your pet. All of these benefits will allow us to maintain our ongoing commitment to providing excellent veterinary care for our clients and their beloved pets.

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