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October 24, 2013
Safety Concerns on Jerky Treats by Dr Nancy Peterson Ingersoll Animal Hospital Since 2007 the Federal Drug Administration or FDA has been investigating health problems in pets after eating some jerky treats. Through September 24, 2013 3600 dogs and 10 cats have become ill after consuming jerky treats according to a recently released FDA report. While many pets have recovered 580 have died. Within hours of eating treats sold as jerky tenders or strips made of chicken, duck, sweet potatoes and/or dried fruit, some pets have exhibited decreased appetite, decreased activity, vomiting, diarrhea (sometimes with blood or mucus), increased water consumption, and/or increased urination. More serious problems have developed GI bleeding, pancreatitis and kidney failure. After intensive testing the FDA and a network of veterinary animal diagnostic labs have been unable to determine a cause. Intensive testing for Salmonella, metals, pesticides, antibiotics and other toxins has not yet uncovered the cause. Some of the treats have had ingredients traced to China. By US law ingredients original location does not need to be listed on the label. The FDA is requesting help on discovering the cause of this serious problem not only our Des Moines pets but pets nationwide. If your feel that your pet has become ill after consuming some jerky treats notify your Des Moines vet immediately your pet may require veterinary treatment and the FDA may want samples submitted. For the FDA information sheet on Jerky treats click here. BUT REMEMBER TREATS ARE TREATS and not necessary for your pet. They are not necessary as part of a balanced diet and it is not harmful for your pet to eliminate them. So if you have concerns don’t feed it.

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