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Des Moines Veterinarian Discusses Preparing Your Dog for Hunting Season

October 11, 2013
Hunting with your Canine Partner by Dr. Tanja Frye Ingersoll Animal Hospital Hunting in Iowa for pheasant and duck will kick into full swing now that October is here. Your Des Moines Veterinarian wants to know, is your canine hunting partner ready? At Ingersoll Animal Hospital we recommend that your dog is fully vaccinated including for leptospirosis a disease that attacks the liver and kidneys and can be found in puddles, ponds, and streams. Most dogs need to have some pre-hunting conditioning. They, like all athletes, need to have time to get back into shape for the rigors of the sport. Begin by increasing your normal walking time and gradually include some running as you increase your dog’s endurance. Stretching with some manual massage before and after the hunt is also recommended. We also recommend that you check the toenails prior to hunting. Long toenails can be broken and cause a great deal of pain, as well as a loss of hunting time. Remember to always carry a first aid bag for minor problems and have the phone number for your Des Moines veterinarian or local veterinary emergency clinic for more serious injuries. Avid hunters will be burning more calories than normal, so a slight increase in your dogs feeding amount may be necessary. Blue green algae is a problem on many farm ponds and can cause serious health problems for dogs. Be sure to carry fresh water for your canine partners to drink at all times. Also bear in mind not all dogs like to share; that includes the game they are retrieving. Take care to practice good canine behavior; know where your dog is at all times. Enjoy the fall, Iowa and spending great time with your canine partner! Call your Des Moines Veterinarian or the Healthcare Team at Ingersoll Animal Hospital with any other questions about hunting with your dog. Takoda-Bird-300x199

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