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Taking Care of Your Pet During an Iowa Summer by Dr. Alex Miller

July 31, 2013
Vets in Des Moines talk about Taking Care of your Pet during an Iowa Summer Dogs do not cool themselves as efficiently as people do, so they can easily become overheated if care is not taken. For example, do not leave your pet unattended in the car, ever. Vets in Des Moines would recommend exercise in the morning, before it gets hot outside in the Iowa heat.. And make sure than there is plenty of shade and water available outside for your pet. If your pet is becoming overheated, you may notice that they are panting excessively, drooling a lot, are unsteady while standing and walking, and possibly have purple/gray gums. If you see these signs, it is important to call your veterinarian and remove your pet from the heat and put them into the shade or AC immediately. If possible, direct a fan onto them. You may also use damp and cool towels and place them on the groin, feet, and neck areas to help cool them. It is important to NEVER submerge your pet in cold water. We at Ingersoll Animal Hospital Health Care Team and local vets in Des Moines hope that you and your pet have a safe and fun summer!

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